What exactly is a payday Lendly Loan , personal loans? Payday personal loans are short term, unsecured personal loans which must be paid back on your next payday. To ensure the repayment is made, the borrower requires an advanced postdated check which contains the borrowed amount plus interest, fees and other charges. When you apply for such a loan, your application must be accompanied by a pay stub from the last thirty days of the month in which you were paid. For a Lendly Loan go to https://lendlyloan.net/ If you have bad credit or are unemployed you may be turned down for a personal payday Lendly Loan . These types of loans are intended for people who need money for only a short period of time, such as a few weeks or months. For this reason the interest rate tends to be higher than it would be for a long term loan. Also, there may be additional fees and charges for additional short term repayment periods. There are other options for applying for persona...